It's been a wonderful year and I want to acknowledge Art Sales and Rental Society (ASARS), Halifax, Jo Beale Gallery, Peggy's Cove, Shaw's Landing, West Dover, The Black Duck Gallery, Lunenburg, The Trellis Cafe, Hubbards, Art and Jules, Halifax and Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS). Your support and promotion of Nova Scotian Artists is commendable. I am always in your debt. Thank you.
This year I've been in several shows, met so many amazing artists and even saw two of my works find their way to New York City. What I love about painting is that I get to be me all the time. Hokey? Maybe? But it's so true and anyone doing something they live and love would agree. The other plus is that I get to visit Art Galleries and call it work. I love my job. (Okay, I shouldn't mislead with the idea that painting is footing all the bills), boarding dogs pays me AND gives me inspiration (and commissions).
I've just finished the last commissions and gifts (I can't wait for people to see their paintings) and I'm really excited to meet 2011. I have some 'irons in the fire' and hope the Universe continues to be in my favour. I'm doing a lot of collage and expect to build a good body of this work in the coming year. I'm taking valued advise from one of my favourite Canadian Artists, Brian Atyeo.
This new body of work has allowed me to discover a sense of fun that had not yet been present in my work. It's unlike the way I've worked in the past. I spend many days painting the collage paper and planning compositions. I'm enjoying the playfulness and the vibrant colours. The process of paper selection, cutting and fitting takes a great deal of time so a completed piece takes far longer than I'm used to. Perhaps it's the Universe' way of telling me I have lots of time. It's getting me to buckle down and commit to this new journey, to slow down and enjoy the ride...
I still make an effort to paint traditionally so I don't forget how to
I want to wish everyone a peaceful and joyous holiday celebration with much success, prosperity and good health for us all in the New Year.