Blue Tree In The Moon
Andrea K. Redmond
24 x 36
It's time for the third annual Open House Art Exhibition and Sale at my new location, 11451 Peggy's Cove Rd., Seabright, Nova Scotia. 902-823-1210 or 902-222-3078
The Show is "On The Beaten Trail" and will feature work by Jo Beale, Dianne Crockard, Cyndy Dean, Brennan Gough, Sarah Irwin, Mary Jane Lundy, Carol Ann McNeil, Mora Morris and Andrea Redmond.
Open House will be running Saturday, Dec. 1st, 12-5 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 2nd., 12-4 p.m.
Stop in to say hello and see some new pieces by this group of talented artists.
Well over 100 paintings will be on display along with metal and stone sculptures.