Monday, January 14, 2013

January is passing quickly

January is passing quickly and most of the artists I know are busy creating. I'm continuing with my Blue Tree series in collage and have added two more recent works to the sidebars of this page. Still, periodically I've been working in abstract work in mixed media just to keep it interesting for myself.

I have some exciting plans for the gallery the spring but must keep it under wraps for now as "Sticks and Stones" may break my bones or something like that.

I'm thankful to still be drawing the odd visitor to the gallery and though I haven't often had my sign out in 2013 I want people to know that I am always, always open by chance or appointment! phone 1 902 823 1210

Nearby, the "Rhubarb" Restaurant is hosting amazing dinners, lunches and brunches and I am so fortunate to use their space as a satellite gallery! It will soon be time to switch up a some of the art work. Check them out at or better yet, take a drive out to Indian Harbour.

don't forget that along with my own paintings I still have work here by artists Jo Beale, Neil Brown, Dianne Crockard, Cyndi Dean, Brennan Gough, Sarah Irwin, Mary Jane Lundy, Carol Ann McNeil,  and Mora Morris!!!!!

Enjoy the winter.....I look forward to seeing you soon.


Denny Bastian said...

......first time look at your online gallery. wonderful art...some of them like the tree paintings remind me somewhat of the group of 7 painters. I realize much is natural talent but where did you train?

Gary Whitehouse said...

Such interesting,unique work.Very inspiring.

The Art of Andrea Redmond said...

Thank you, Denny and Gary…I appreciate the comments :)